No-Code AI Predictive Analytics Platform

GiniMachine no-code predictive analytics software analyzes raw or structured historical data patterns. It predicts possible outcomes and builds risk management models in a few clicks.
Predictive Analytics
AI tailored to your business needs
Risks and opportunities at your fingertips
A clear idea of your customers
No-code development
Predictive Analytics

AI Predictive
Analytics Software

We offer an AI-based platform that extracts valuable information from data sets and determines patterns. GiniMachine is a set of automated, scalable, and reproducible tools for a six-step workflow: analyze data, build, validate and deploy risk models, make predictions and monitor results.

Predictive Analytics
for Banks and Finance

GiniMachine is a web-based platform able to refine your financial expertise with no engineering required: automate application and credit scoring, speed up loan decisions, consider possible risks, and reach higher profit levels. It utilizes predictive analytics for AI/ML binary predictions with a high Gini Index.


Financial predictive analytics software provides projections of risks and events based on historical data patterns. Banks can use AI predictions to flag non-performing loans, improve their portfolio, choose appropriate investment strategies, predict customer churn and receive more customer behavior insights for planning marketing activities.

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Predictive Analytics

Financial Services

Financial services institutions can benefit from the predictive analytics platform due to its seamless integration and easy use. There is no need to have a team of ML engineers at a fintech company to explore the opportunities of GiniMachine. It works with structured and unstructured data, financial and alternative data to build reliable financial risk models for data-driven financial and customer-related decisions.

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Predictive Analytics

Explore the full set of GiniMachine features and opportunities it provides for your organization. Get a free trial and try GiniMachine in action.

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GiniMachine Benefits

The development of multi-purpose predictive analytics software took us a while, but the resulting platform advantages are impressive:

  1. Fast and easy use. Dozens of prediction models built in a few clicks and no engineering background required.
  2. Customized decision-making. GiniMachine built-in heuristics work with various data types and build models tailored to your business domain.
  3. Improved KPIs. Higher financial performance, faster decisions, better customer experience due to targeted marketing campaigns.
GiniMachine is a must-have for any non-financial businesses that are making their first steps in financial services. It works with behavior-based data and helps to work with AI/ML in a friendly interface and take data-centric decisions in seconds.
Predictive Analytics
Oyunchimeg Shagjjamba,
Chief Business Officer at InvesCore NBFI JSC
Generally speaking on both sides, it’s roughly 20 minutes of time saved per application, which is huge as the average time of completion in the past used to be well over 30 minutes of back and forth with Back Office users and other members of the team.
Predictive Analytics
Gabriel Guillemette,
Head of Product Development at Personalized Loans
We’re one of the first to implement a SaaS version of the GiniMachine, and it has truly revolutionized the way we work! With GiniMachine, we can automate the scoring process and provide inclusive SME assessment to increase their credit rating with our application CfoRobot.
Predictive Analytics
Davide Spitale,
Founder at Kit Lean Technologies SRL

Case Studies

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GiniMachine Now

Predict outcomes of your business decisions within seconds. Get a free trial to explore GiniMachine in action.

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